Read: Galatians 4:4; Isaiah 46:9-10; Psalm 138:8
As I write this, Thanksgiving will be celebrated in only five days. A good time to pause and say thank you for the Lord's gifts. We are thankful for His sustaining grace which we rely on each day. We're thankful for the men and women of the military and the first responders who help keep us safe. We thank the Lord for those who drive the trucks and deliver food and other essentials. We thank the Lord for love and laughter, as well as the gift of shared tears. The list could continue, but I would like to name one individual who might not be well known for whom I'm especially thankful.
His name is Ross Bagdasarian, SR. Until today, I knew the song he wrote, but I had never heard his name. Here's a hint concerning this mystery man. The holiday song he wrote charted #1 in 1958 on the Hot 100 and remained there for four weeks. Would it help if I told you that the famous singers were Alvin, Theodore and Simon? Yes, those infamous Chipmunks, and the song? "Christmas Don't Be Late", written by none other than Ross Bagdasarian, SR. I know the actual song doesn't have anything to do with the Savior Whose birth we celebrate at Christmas, but when I think of the lyrics of this classic song, I am reminded of a precious truth which has nothing to do with planes that loop the loop or hula hoops.
The words picture a longing that Christmas will hurry and come and that it "won't be late". That very longing surely resonated in the hearts of mankind before angels heralded Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, Luke 2:8-14. We know that longing was in the hearts of the kings who came from the East as they diligently followed the shining luminary that guided them, Matthew 2:1-2; Matthew 2:9-11. We know Simeon was waiting expectantly, having been told by the Holy Spirit that he wouldn't die prior to the coming of the Promised One, Luke 2:25-29. Can you imagine his anticipation as he waited? Who knows how many other faithful believers in the Living God were saying, "we can't hardly stand the wait." We don't know their names, but God saw their faithfulness, and He knows all about each one.
And guess what? Galatians 4:4 reminds us that Christmas was not late. No, it came at just the right time, the details of the plan having been in place before the world was created. It would culminate with Jesus' atoning death and resurrection. The details for this wondrous rescue having been planned before man sinned in Eden, Titus 1:2; 2 Timothy 1:9-10; 1 Peter 18-20. God Who watches over His Word oversaw every detail, Jeremiah 1:11-12. What about all those, the famous and the unknown who longed for the Promised One's coming but died prior to Jesus' birth? Even though they never actually saw how God fulfilled His Word, they died having believed what He said. Faithful ones who now see the faithfulness of God clearly, Hebrews 11:1-40.
There's encouragement for us as we remember the truth that Christmas wasn't late. There are many situations and circumstances in our lives that make us wonder. We can't hardly wait for the Lord to move on our behalf or in the lives of loved ones. With His help we need to remember that He won't be late. We often don't understand His plan, perhaps even wondering if there is one in the works.
Here is where we can grab the details of Christmas and receive comfort. How wonderful, powerful, wise and loving is God Who gave us prophesies hundreds of years prior to their fulfillment and then filled in every detail of what was promised, Isaiah 46:9-10! This is the same faithful Lord Who cares for us. He will not be late in bringing about His will for our lives. Nothing or no one can thwart His ability to open any door for us, Revelation 3:7-8, and all that He chooses to do in and through us will be accomplished, Psalm 138:8. What He does not bring to fruition now, He will provide for us in His kingdom where there will be fullness of joy, Psalm 16:11.
There is another event that will not be late. Jesus will return as He has promised. He has a plan even in His delay, 2 Peter 3:9. While we long for His kingdom, He longs for more people to be a part of it. When we are late, it is due to unforeseen circumstances? Isn't it wonderful that God can't be delayed by anything? Even though we can't hardly stand the wait, His coming again will not be late; so, as He gives opportunity, let's tell others about our faithful Savior Who loves them, before the time of grace is gone and sadly, it will be too late, Revelation 20:11-15.