Read: Genesis 7; Hebrews 11:7; 2 Peter 3:1-9
Have you ever noticed that the common sounds we hear every day tend to fade into the background? My husband told me on more than one occasion that when he lived very close to the train tracks, that the family didn't often hear the trains that regularly rumbled through their little town. I have noticed that same phenomena as it relates to the beeping of the microwave. Especially when I have coffee warming in it. After the time has elapsed, the beeping begins. If I don't pull the cup out right away, I usually fail to hear the beeping for quite a bit of time. After all, what does it really matter. I can reset it over and over; so, no harm is done by my ignoring the beep's messages.
I wonder if Noah's words were like background noise that people simply ignored. In 2 Peter 2:5, Noah is referred to as a herald of righteousness, and in Hebrews 11:7, his faith and the obedience that sprang forth from that faith is commended. God's assessment of him was so different than man's opinion. We know that because we can look back at the outcome of Noah's faithfulness. As is often the case, what is highly esteemed by God is disregarded by man. In Genesis 7, we read about that obedience which Noah walked out by building the ark according to God's instructions.
In my imagination, I can picture Noah, his three grown sons, and Noah's wife and the three sons' wives entering the ark. What a sight it must have been when the animals also entered two by two, but can you imagine it? Although the animals came according to God's direction, only Noah's family came because they believed God's warning. This herald of righteousness who faithfully by his words and actions warned the people concerning what was to come, convinced no one. Not even one person chose to take Noah's words seriously. Were his words like background noise that could be disregarded? Did they mock or simply turn their backs when they heard or saw Noah? We don't have any records of their responses, but in Genesis 7:16, we read one of the saddest verses in scripture. That is where we read the truth that on a given day at a given time, God shut the ark's door. The time for choosing whether to listen to Noah was at an end. When the torrents came and the ark rose up, it was too late for anyone to change his mind.
That is what Peter has in mind in 2 Peter 3:1-9. It had been thousands of years since Noah's time, but Peter held out Noah's account as a warning. Yes, the apostle stated that many people of his day treated this account with indifference. Choosing to ignore it like background noise to be disregarded. Failing to learn the lesson that God's reason for not yet coming back didn't spring out of slowness or indifference. Rather it was because He is patient. Not longing that anyone perish but that all will come to Him, 2 Peter 3:9. However, as it was in Noah's day, the time for choosing will come to an end. That was Peter's warning. What happened during Noah's day was a reminder that another day was coming. No, the earth would not be once again destroyed by a deluge. God Who always keeps His promises had said that would never happen again, Isaiah 40:8; Genesis 9:11-13. No there will be no worldwide flood as occurred in Noah's day; instead, all that we see here on earth will be burned up in preparation for the new heavens and new earth that God will create for those who belong to Him, John 1:11-12; 2 Peter 3:10-13.
Perhaps to someone who might read this, these words seem like the unimportant beeping of a microwave. Someone might wonder why anyone would even write them down. With respect, may I answer those thoughts with a few questions? What if they are true? What if there really were a day when the ark's door was shut? What if there is a day coming when it will be too late to receive the forgiveness that Jesus provided because of His death and victorious resurrection? What if these truths are written so that someone might know the love of the Savior Who wants people to know that He knows them personally and wants to have a living relationship with them? If these things are true, why wouldn't someone want to share them with anyone who might read them! Wouldn't it be cruel to know about such a Wonderful God and not tell others?
Lord, help us to be like Noah. Faithfully holding out Your love, John 3:16. Whether people consider it to be useless beeping or precious truth.