Our church body is designed to help each other connect with Jesus Christ and connect with each other.
As a Christian Family, we...
Find support and encouragement from each other
Share the love of Christ within the church, in our community, and around the world
Study the Bible on Sunday mornings and throughout the week
Have fun together
Seek God’s purposes
Help each other with practical needs like yardwork and moving
Welcome everyone to join us (singles, couples, children, adults, young, not-so-young)
We serve our world through...
Taking mission trips to Costa Rica
Support & volunteer at Camp Hallawasa
Supporting the Oyate Concern ministry near Oglala, SD (See Oyate Concern)
Donating to the local food bank
Collecting shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse)
Volunteer with many different ministries offered by Southern Hills Evangelical Free Church
We learn through study and discussion at...
Sunday Services
Sunday school (youth, adult)
Southern Hills EFC Youth Group
Small groups/Bible Studies
Men’s and women’s retreats